

Going up and down this stage called life, playing different rolls, turn the spotlight on and off, see another war every day, what has that got to do with you? A lot! Sorry… Old but punk, tired but rebel,handicapped but still alive, slow but still moving. 100ds of little ugly penguins are inside my head, they are yumping up and down on a trampoline, but I like you, you little tiny headbirds, but I don’t like your singing about violent sports...Old but punk, tired but rebel,handicapped but still alive, slow but still moving. Late in the night, the little penguins fall asleep, than everything is fine and calm, till they begin to snore, and so I start to bang my head against the wall because I hate snoring, certainly the penguins wake up, and they continue to yump on their fucking trampoline. Old but punk, tired but rebel,handicapped but still alive, slow but still moving. Maybe now you think that I’m crazee, but I’m not! Look at your own little headbirds, I know you have some,

I’m yust a normal guy, unable to handle human cruelness, it feels like swimming in the dark…in the middle of the ocean...Old but punk, tired but rebel,handicapped but still alive, slow but still moving.

yok 2010

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