

8 penguins in perfect parade got a lot of fun and a lot of hate. They fight for their lifes and against captain iglu and his friends, they fight for their lifes and against captain iglu and his friends! 8 penguins in perfect parade got a lot of fun and a lot of hate. They come together every time, drank a lot of beer, a lot of wine, they come together every time, drank a lot of beer, a lot of wine! 8 drunken penguins in the night, one of them says: "I see the light!" But there was no light, there was no god, only too much alcohol in his blood, there was no light, there was no god, too much alcohol in his blood. 8 penguins in perfect parade meet other penguins to demonstrate, they plunder Karstadt, Hertie, C&A, and Karl Heinz, he cries "Hurra!", they plunder Karstadt, Hertie, C&A, and Karl Heinz, he cries "Hurra!" 8 penguins in perfect parade got a lot of fun and a lot of hate. They fight for their lifes and against, they fight for their lifes and against, they fight for their lifes and against captain iglu and his friends! Oh ya!!


Ursprung dieses Songs und auch der deutschen Version (die einen ganz anderen Text hat) war für mich eine Sesamstraßenfolge, die ich zufällig sah und in der so ein Zeichentrickmännchen eben genau diese Zeile rief: "8 Pinguine in perfekter Parade" Dann kamen immer die Pinguine nacheinander aus ihrem Iglu und wurden einzeln durchgezählt. Ich fand das damals sehr trashig und habe daraus die beiden Songs entwickelt. Auch meine "Pinguin-Macke" schleppe ich seither mit mir rum.

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